Funny you mention it. I actually did a search for JWfacts, or stickers and found nothing. However, I just did a little more digging, and found this:
It allows you to upload your design, and they will turn it into a hat, sticker, t-shirt, ect.
I agree that it might cause some, perhaps many, to check out the website out of curiosity.
Whether it's JW Facts stickers, or VAA, or ARC, or the Angus Stewart Fan Club, the JWs will always feel persecuted. That's kinda the idea. Persecuted, yes. But by whom? When little decals like these start popping up inside Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, Convention Centers, or on elders car bumpers, and elderettes book-bags, they'll have no choice but to look inside. No more blaming the outside world, or the media, or the U.N.
They're ALREADY cranking up the pressure on members to snitch on one another, as evidenced by the CO guidelines leak, and their 'secret' snitch form. Then, there's the convention theme: "Remain Loyal (or else)!" This indicates more suspicion among members, more kangaroo courts and more disfellowshipping. Someone on a different thread mentioned that there eventually won't be anyone left, but the really brain-dead 'reptiles.' I just see these stickers as a means to help accelerate the inevitable: a rotting from the inside out, as more and more JWs turn on each other. Specifically, it would be instigated by the COs and elders ("we gotta check on brother Jones, he missed the last two meetings"), Maybe that's too harsh for some. But, you might as well get this the f--- over with.
I'll submit my JWfacts logo to later today, and will post on a new thread.